Monday, November 7, 2011

Nigel and Evanne - Team Siouxsie or Team Bob?

Okay, so for me I cannot listen to Siouxsie without then listening to The Cure.

This was a point of contention between Nigel and I for 24 long years.
Siouxsie vs. Bob
He was firmly convinced that Robert Smith was a douche. I, on the other hand, did not. Okay so we didnt use the word douche...but poser, no talent hack, coattail rider, not get the idea. DOUCHE. I however, being the lover I am could love Siouxsie and Bob. However, if you asked me whom I preferred, well I am always going to be a Cure fan.  He would flop on my floor and fall over every time I played Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me  or  Disintegration, and say "I'm so over it" and sigh over and over ABOVE THE MUSIC. I dont know about any of you, but man, I always gave in. I loved seeing his delight when he had a "triumph of his will".

One fall day - I can't even say hallowe'en because it wasn' was just a brilliant idea that came to me - Year?? I think 1991...Nigel was getting dropped off at my house. I had everything planned. I teased up the Shroom - a'la Bob circa 1982 - short puff ball sprayed to stick out. It had major height...and width..and pokeyoutey pieces

Man, AquaNet was the shizz.

I eyelinered/darkened up my eyes and smeared some of Aunt Susie's reddest lipstick all over my lips with avant garde abandon.

I was awesome...This is the look I was going for.... I wish I had a photo.

I dressed in black with tennies and a huge black icky sweater...Laying in wait for him. Reeking of the tangy scent of CFC ozone destroying aerosol spray...

oh the horrific joy to have him shrink back in be greeted by the door by BOB!

He pulled up...I peeked out the side window and the knob...

I yanked open the door and started howling LOVE CATS...

My darling boy looked at me with sheer terror...and took off down the driveway at a full run...
I in full BOB drag...could be heard singing ---- so wonderfully wonderfully pretty.... rowr! LOOOOOOVE CATSSSSSSSSS.

After we ran about 50 yards (running wasn't fabulous, not with his height and my two left feet) we stopped and inbetween pants... he told me that I was much prettier than Bob, but I sang worse.

We walked back to the house on Glen Drive, keeping our lit cigarettes from my flammable hair.

Sorry Nige, I'm still Team Bob, but I agree...he was cool when he was with Siouxs.
See...he still liked to poke me. 

I miss you and love you so.
This one is for you................................
Never forget(Team Bob)
Luv, evanne


  1. I do so remember this happening... I remember Ray was terrified to come to your house for like a month, he just kept saying that the crazy "BOB" would be there. It was by far one of the funniest stories he told ...

    all that mushy stuff,

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